PLEXSYS’ New DLI release enables enhanced LVC training
Oct 31, 2019 | By: Tara Marta

CAMAS, WA (October 31, 2019) – PLEXSYS a leading provider of modeling and simulation solutions, announced the availability of Direct Link Interface (DLI) 6.7, a new version of it’s Tactical Data Link (TDL) gateway, specializing in support of Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training environments. DLI 6.7 introduces several new features that allow users to quickly configure multiple gateway connections to translate between a wide range of Data Link protocols. One of the latest feature additions, Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol (JREAP) C to Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) interface, provides for the generation of simulated entities based on JREAP-C Link 16 messages.
“This new feature set will provide greatly needed enhancements to the Live Mission Operations Capability (LMOC),” said Homer Walden, Business Development Manager. “It allows DLI to automatically build an entire DIS simulation by passively receiving live Link 16 data.”
In addition to this innovating capability, DLI 6.7 also introduced several other new features, including support for multiple DIS sockets, the ability to map down to the level of a TDL network within an interface, generation of Transmitter PDUs, reusability updates to JREAP functionality, and CIB Support.
DLI uses high-speed processing to translate data link messages on the fly bi-directionally, providing a cost-effective way to connect multiple TDL facilities to facilitate training, system integration, and interoperability testing. The software features support for several Tactical Data Links (including Link 16, Link 11, UDL, SDL, AIS, CIB), a number of related interface protocols (including MIL-STD-3011 JREAP, STANAG 5602 SIMPLE, and MIL-STD-1553), as well as several simulation standards (including IEEE-1278.1 DIS, SISO-STD-002 TADIL TALES), and other customer-specific protocols.
Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 35+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries.