PLEXSYS Interface Products Participates in Operation BLENDED WARRIOR
Dec 18, 2015 | By: Tara Marta

Orlando, Florida, Dec 2015: PLEXSYS Interface Products was an integral participant in Operation BLENDED WARRIOR (OBW) at the 2015 Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference (I/ITSEC). OBW was the beginning of a multi-year journey to explore the potential for Live, Virtual and Constructive capabilities to revolutionize training, education and testing for the defense and security sectors. OBW takes place in the fictional country of Balboa, set in Central and Southern California, which is surrounded by countries and militant groups that are openly hostile to both the U.S. and Balboa. The scenario initiates with a natural disaster that requires Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Response; it causes great infrastructure damage as well as encourages the surrounding unfriendly forces to take advantage of the situation. Four mission event blocks were spread over the four days of I/ITSEC, featuring 15 vignettes executed by a group of 22 I/ITSEC vendors spread across the tradeshow floor with 33 Government and Industry combined participants.
Of the 15 vignettes, PLEXSYS participated in 13 and had the privilege of leading two. The PLEXSYS U.S. Block 30/35 virtual E-3 AWACS provided Command and Control; our Advanced Simulation Combat Operations Trainer (ASCOT) contributed to the constructive simulation; and sonomarc provided radio simulation, all from the PLEXSYS booth. In addition to providing radio simulation from the PLEXSYS booth, PLEXCommVR (Virtual Radio) was used by the majority of OBW participants for radio communications and technical coordination throughout all OBW vignettes. PLEXSYS looks forward to participation in next year’s OBW event which will be led by the US Air Force, and possible expansion to multi-national participants,
Founded in 1986, PLEXSYS is a modeling and simulation (M&S) software company with 35+ years of delivering Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training readiness solutions and innovation. We are a 100% employee-owned small business, with more than 200 full-time employees plus part-time consultants in nine states and four foreign countries.